General information
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- Preferably several students at the same placement, this makes the tutorial and reference assistance easier.
- The tutorial emphasizes the student's own responsibility for learning. The tutorial is controlled by the learning outcomes.
- The course's learning outcomes for each section in the workplace are defined and visible on each evaluation form. The supervisor in the workplace and the student can themselves print out the form, which can be found under the right education and practical training courses on this page. The student also sets individual targets based on learning outcomes. The student also uses previous evaluations and job opportunities as a base.
- Continuous evaluation is important. It is also important that the communication between the university and the workplace works well. Supervising teachers will be in touch with the placement supervisor and the student during practical training and the step for the placement supervisor to contact Arcada teachers should be simple and easy.
- If students risk a failure, it is important that this is discussed no later than at the middle evaluation with the responsible teacher.
- The evaluation will result in at least a written + oral middle evaluation and final evaluation. It is not necessary for an Arcada teacher to visit each placement in person. The forms may vary between telephone tutoring, mentoring in the workplace or at the university and can be implemented as individual or group instruction. The tutoring/supervision can also be made by a web-based communication tool.
- Absence is reported to supervisors and teachers. The basic principle is that absence hours are replaced.
The practical training can be assessed as fail if the student:
- does not set goals for his/her activities, lacks basic theoretical knowledge, is uninterested in learning, documents inadequately.
- lacks basic skills, cannot choose adequate methods and means, cannot plan their own work, is careless and endangers patient-/client safety.
- lacks the ability and/or willingness to cooperate, is unreliable, is not able to work independently
- has completely unrealistic perception of his/her skills and their abilities.
- does not take responsibility for his/her work and the patient/client, lack of ethics, cannot create a relationship to the patient/client, does not adapt to the workplace and does not follow common rules and agreements