Practical learning


Practical training with minors

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Practical training with minors


The University of Applied Sciences has the right to request students to provide their criminal records extract if the studies or the practical training to a significant extent include working with children (Criminal Records Act 770/1993 6 § mom 5).

If you are completing a practical training, which includes working with children, you need to be prepared to show your criminal records extract. The practical training placement is responsible for checking the extract. 



What is a criminal records extract for students?

The criminal records extract for students is an extract of the criminal records that needs to be shown to the employer (practical training placement) if the practical training, to a significant extent includes working with minors. 


Where do I order the extract?

You can order the extractthrough the judicial administration’s e-services (

Click on Go to the e-service and choose course of action. You can either apply online or print out the application form.

The language of the e-service is unfortunately only in Finnish and Swedish. The name of the form in Finnish isRikostaustaote lasten kanssa toimivalle opiskelijalle.  Please note, that the e-service requires strong authentication (bank identifiers or mobile identification).

The paper application is however, translated to English and can be found here:  The name of the form is Application for criminal records extract: student's practical training with children.


How long does it take to receive the extract?

The processing time for the order is approximately seven working days.



To which address will the extract be mailed?

Your criminal extract will be sent to your current address given in the Population Register.

A student’s criminal records extract can only be issued personally to the student named in the extract. You cannot authorise your employer/practical training placement to order your extract.


What does the extract cost?

The service is free of charge.

However,if you need to present the extract abroad, you must order a criminal records extract that is subject to a fee.


For how long is the extract valid?

The criminal records extract is valid for six months. Please note that you must present it to your employer within that time.

The e-service requires identification by bank identifiers or mobile device.

Which information is provided in the extract?

1. Offences against children

2. Sex offences

3. Violent offences

4. Offences against personal liberty

5. Narcotics offences

More detailed information about the offences listed under the five above mentioned points can be found here:

If you are not guilty of any of the offences given above, your criminal records extract includes a note of this. The criminal records extract will not show any information other than the offences listed above, even if there are other entries in the record.


N.B. The practical training placement has the right to cancel the practical training based on the information provided in the extract.

In addition, the University of Applied Sciences has the right to withdraw a student’s right to study in order to protect minors, if the studies or the practical training to a significant extent include working with children and if the student has been convicted of a crime related to 17 chapter , 18, 18 a or 19 §, 20 chapter., 21 chapter. 1–3 or 6 §, 31 chapter 2 § or 50 chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4 a § according to the Criminal Code of Finland (39/1889) (Universities of Applied Sciences Act932/2014 33 § mom 5).