Practical learning


Introduction to Practical Training (ET-2-006)

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Examiner: Arell-Sundberg Marina

Learning outcomes

  • After finishing the practical training the
    - Can use guidance - by a student on
    Practical Training 2 for support - in order to
    create his/her own plan for action, during the
    training period
    - Can describe the work duties of the OT on
    sight and in the organization
    - Can, as an outcome of an interview
    /discussion, report on the persons experience of
    Value in Occupations
    - Can pay attention on how the environment
    affects different persons Occupational
    - Can seek support for his/her own
    reflections about the person from research in
    Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science
    - Can describe how the OT-process supports
    the everyday work of the OT
    - Can choose a relevant assessment approach
    order to assess and clarify Occupational
    Performance issues
    - Can identify the persons strengths and
    - Has some insight on the routines, when it
    comes to documentation
    - Can take the professional Code of Ethics
    in consideration when showing respect, letting
    the person be heard and when promoting a
    reciprocal relationship
    - Can respect and follow the rules for
    professional secrecy