Practical learning


Practice 5 (II-2-162)

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Examiner: Törnblom Cia

Learning outcomes

  • At the end of the course the student is expected
    to be able to:
    Understand what healthpromoting leadership is
    about, understand HRM at an organizational level
    and be able to create and perform
    healthpromotive efforts and activitymodels with
    the workplace as the arena.
  • Adminstrative pracitce / sports management:
    At the end of the course the student i expected
    to be able to understand the administrative work
    and its meaning in different types of
    sportsorganizations as workfederations. The
    student learns what kind of role the
    sportsorganizations have in the society, how
    they work and what kind of challenges they meet.
    The student is also expected to understtand what
    kind of leadership i used and how the activity
    is organized whithin the organisation.